Saturday, September 30, 2006

Big girl skates

My Reidell 125s arrived yesterday from Sin City Skates. I was worried that they were a bit small, but Sk8 Tech from the Guns N Rollers checked them out for me last night. I think we have a fit!

I think investing in a good boot is going to make a huge difference in staying on skates for hours on end. The initial break in is going to be brutal, but the arch support and having the leather mold to the shape of my foot is going to be oh so good. Plus, my feet are wide and having the laces go all the way to the toe allows for a custom fit for my big ass feet.

I can't wait for the bout tonight. I went to rehearsal last night, and these girls are ready to play. And I get to skate out and be introduced at half time! You wouldn't think I would be nervous about that, but I am. Anything can happen in one lap. Please don't let me bite it, skate gods and goddesses.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Workin' the booty

After my poutfest last night, I left a message my trainer and tried to bag out on my pilates class. She called me back and offered to do modifications for me during the class, so I conceded and attended.

And, of course, I am so glad I went. I needed to succeed at something physical. My back/butt was still sore, but with Britt's modifications I did much better than I thought I could. I needed a damn good stretch and some ab work, and I got it.

It was a double dose training day and I met with Britt this afternoon to get my new plan for the next month. Along with my 3 practices, I'm doing additional cardio and a couple of days of weights. The workout is challenging and full of squats and something called "the camel", which sounds innocent but actually involves a plank position and crawling from hands to forearms.

And today, two lovely strangers left much needed comments on my blog (see below). I can't tell you how much it matters to me that there are people out there rooting for me to succeed. And Suzy is right - take it easy for a week or sit out for 6-8. I do feel like I have something to prove as a big girl. Like I need to be really good *right now* to earn my keep. I need to maintain perspective and find some patience with myself. Thanks proud fan and Suzy. It means a lot.

My uber-marathon runner co-worker today reminded me of something very important. I'm an athlete. I was in my past and I will be again. Hell, I already am. I just need to bring her out more frequently, because she's an ass kicker.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Derby girls don't cry

It took every ounce of strength I had to keep it together at practice tonight.

My back was feeling a little funky throughout the day today, but I was hoping it was just an ache. I skated a little before practice started and it felt a little tweaked. Well, I got into the first drill and my whole left back side, from my hip to my lower back, seized up. I've never felt back pain like this before. It was comparable to my tailbone injury pain.

I only made it through about 20 minutes of practice and watched the rest of the time.

I was almost in tears. I was so frustrated and in pretty bad pain. Plus, I HATE being a fat girl who can't do things. I hated sitting out tonight. I've always been able to succeed at what I put my mind to regardless of my size. My body better get with the program pretty damn soon. Because in my mind, I'm a really good skater.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Trying to maintain

I went to my first endurance practice tonight and I didn't participate in almost all of the drills. It was a mix of didn't, couldn't, wouldn't, but mostly "avoiding hurting myself or others".

The first drill was done in two lines, big girls in the back. In a tight pack, I would have been the first one to be passed up the line without skating, just with whips and pushes. I'll be honest, I was afraid of hurting myself or someone else. I couldn't keep up AND I'm not good at giving or recieving whips and pushes yet.

OK, good sign that I just wrote "yet". I was letting myself get a bit discouraged tonight. The next drill was skating around in a line and getting timed on one lap. I was 5th or 6th in line, and dropped out before my chance to be timed. I just couldn't keep up.

But, you know, I showed up. And I spent the time that I couldn't do the drills skating in the middle or working with Judgemental on my cross-overs.

And as much as I don't want to acknowledge it, my lower back/tailbone is bothering me a bit. I really didn't want to, but I had to sit down a couple of times tonight to relax the muscles. I think I might need to skate in the clockwise direction a little bit to balance myself out.

I have to remember it's my first week and I'm comparing myself to a large group of experienced skaters. I know what I'm capable of when I train hard, and despite my lack of participation tonight, I *know* that I will be good at this someday.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tonight, I rest

I'm not as sore today as I was yesterday, but I am so happy to have a night to just relax. My first two practices were physically and emotionally exhausting. I'm not complaining - it's a GREAT type of exhaustion, caused by hard work and excitement and joy. But I'm pooped.

I got a note from my trainer Britt, whom I will adore forever for her support and encouragement, who told me to get ready for a squat-terrific workout for the next month. I asked for it, and I know I'm going to get it.

It's so great to have something to build toward. Every damn squat is going to make me a stronger skater.

And get your tickets for the bout! It's going to be amazing. And you might get to see me skate a little bit.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Big, huge, stupid grin

I can't stop smiling.

I went to league practice tonight. I'm a bit sore from yesterday, but I did a bunch of stuff at practice tonight. I couldn't keep up on quite a few drills again, but I was just so happy to be there that it didn't matter at all.

I am so honored to be part of the league. So many amazing women. So many incredible athletes.

I still can't believe that I'm part of it. I'm so happy I can't stand it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Here I am, exhausted, sweaty, and happier than hell.

I couldn't keep up with all the drills, but I kept moving the whole 2 hours. I am sore, and I sweaty and I can't stop smiling.

I got to scrimmage. I could only keep up with the pack for a lap or two, but I was in there. I'm not freaked out by skating in a pack at all. I love it. LOVE IT. I love looking over my shoulder and angling for the jammer. I can't wait until I'm good enough to form walls at the front of the pack. It's going to be so much hard work, but I am meant to do this. I know it for sure now.


Monday, September 18, 2006


The weekend at the beach flew by, and after I get a mouth gaurd I'll have all of my stuff ready for tomorrow.

And then I have my first practice. Wow and yikes. More wow than yikes tonight. Probably more yikes than wow as it gets closer.

Friday, September 15, 2006

OK, good

I just went out for a skate in the parking lot.

Some of my fears for next Tuesday are put to rest. OK, maybe not for Tuesday, but for the future. The time that I've put in at the gym the past two weeks has already made a huge difference. I feel stronger and I'm not getting winded as quickly.

Don't get me wrong, I'm far from awesome. No horn tooting here yet. But instead of getting really tired after 2 laps of the lot, I get tired after 4.

But I shall remain quite positive that my hard work will pay off.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I'm torn about Tuesday. Part of me wishes that I could suspend time so I could get in really good shape before my first practice. The other part of me wants Tuesday to happen now so I can be sure this is all real.

Because in my head, I show up for practice and nobody knows me or why I'm there. Or they see me skate for a few minutes and decide they made a huge mistake.

I know my endurance is not good. I know practice is going to be really challenging for me. But if I stick with it, I will get better. I probably have a lot farther to go than a lot of the girls, but I also think I can go really far. I will be a good skater and skating with the team is the way to do it.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm almost afraid to write this

I start practicing with the Fresh Meat team on Tuesday.

No words. I'm in shock.

Eventually I'll get the story out how it happened, but let's just say that I'm really happy I decided to get off my ass to drive to the suburbs to watch practice tonight.

I am squealing like the happiest little girl on the inside right now.

This is one of the top 5 moments of my life.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Wonder Machine

The Wave machine is a freaking miracle. A miracle that kicked my ass and had my sweating like a pig in five minutes.

It's challenging and, minus the wheels, replicates the skating motion with these floating foot pads. Wow.

I'm just so thrilled to find something that can effectively train my skating muscles without skating. The weather won't be agreeable to outside skating much longer, and it's great to train without looking out for glass or pinecones to trip over. It won't replace skating at all, but it will be an effective supplement.

I've never been so happy to get my ass kicked.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Now I remember

I started my lunch workouts today. I had forgotten about a lovely residual effect. I get an odd amount of energy right around 4:30. Super loopy. It's such a good thing.

Morning workouts gave me a 11am slump. I have a feeling I'll sleep well tonight. Good timing all around.

Tomorrow I'm going to check out this new machine called The Wave at the gym. It looks made for skate training. Oh, and I just read a review saying that it replicates the movement of roller blading. Hell yeah! I can't wait to hop on that thing tomorrow, but I have a feeling it will be challenging.

I've been concerned that I can hop on a treadmill or elliptical for an hour no problem, but I can't keep up a continuous pace when I'm skating. This is a very exciting development.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

So THAT'S why the wheels have a groove...

I found a good resource that answers all kinds of skate questions. Connie's Skate Place has a great resource page the solved a bunch of mysteries for me about bearings, the groove in my wheel, and skate fitting.

Perhaps not fascinating to a non-skater, but I was enthralled.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Logging hours

I spent 2 hours at a Pilates workshop this morning. I am so glad I'm doing this. It was tough, but I know I'm working the muscles I need to keep myself up on skates, feeling steady and strong. I stayed after the class and did my second weights workout of the week.

Oh, I could do most of the stuff in the class, but there were a couple of things that twinged my left-over aches from my fall this week. I had to support my head during any sit-up type motions because my neck is still a little bit sore for the head bonk. And when I had to roll like a ball (yep, that's really the name of the exercise), I hit the bruises on either side of my upper ass. Ow.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Core Strength

I did a couple of things today that I think are going to move my derby training leaps and bounds. First, I joined a gym downtown. I'll start working out at lunch time. I know it's the best for me. It's the best way for me to sustain regular workouts. I don't know why I didn't start it sooner, but I know it's the right thing to do.

Another major impetus to join the gym is to take Pilates classes with Britt, my trainer. I have a workshop tomorrow morning for 2 hours, and my regular class starts on Wednesday. I think this is going to be the key to better balance on my skates. I became pretty advanced in Pilates a few years ago, and it changed the way I walked, sat, and worked out. I felt stronger all over.

I'm really excited. I think these two changes are going to be so positive, and I'm thrilled.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I really hope no one is sneaking up on me

Because I can't turn my damn head. I can turn it, but it hurts.

I did end up taking the day off. Pretty much my entire torso is sore from the fall. I'm not complaining because frankly I'm thrilled that a hit that hard didn't mess up my back again. And I love that I conked my noggin that hard and all I ended up with was a sore neck. I never knew I'd be so happy about the outcome of a bad fall.

I'll get back on my skates tomorrow am. Last night, Anthony took individual and team photos for the Betties. They are super sweet girls and I think they all had fun with the photoshoot. I hung out for a couple of hours, and left with major derby envy. I want to be part of it and I know that I'll get there. It's just a matter of time, miles of skating, and hours of training. Yep, I'll get there.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

It was bound to happen

I took my next inevitable big fall this morning. It reminds me exactly why I put on a helmet every time I skate and why I pull on those crash pads. It's weird to hit your head really hard on the pavement and then be just fine. I did land on my back, but more of lower back than low-low tailbone.

The worst part of the whole ordeal was that the majority of my body landed in wood chips, or some strange combo of parking lot debris. I've already found a few unfortunately placed slivers and I'm sure I'll be encountering more.

I got in workout #2 at lunch time today. Nice little weight routine.

It's now about 14 hours after the fall, and I'm making the executive decision to take a day off tomorrow. I'm having some minor back spasms and my neck is really sore. I might skate tomorrow night, but I'm going to take it easy during the day. And I'm OK with it. Better safe than sorry.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Day one, two of two

Really, I swear I won't continue with this day by day tally. But I had to force myself to go to the gym after work. I argued with myself all the way home. Somehow, a miracle occured and "just get your ass to the damn gym" won. Part of it was blog pressure. I couldn't skulk back here and admit that I skipped on day one. That would have been oh so lame.

I had a really good skate this morning. My main focus today was to use my initial swell of energy (well, my only swell) to try skating with more of a speed skating stance. Bent over low, arms a swinging. I did it and got an almost scary amount of speed. Well, enough to scare me.

I am so glad that 2-a-day, day one was a success.

Day one, one of two

Check. I probably won't continue with these boring play by play updates, but I was proud of myself for dragging my ass out of bed at 6am today. And I needed to show off with a pre-7am post.

Monday, September 04, 2006


I haven't done double workouts regularly since practicing for basketball in high school and getting ready for the play-off season. And this time around I won't have a coach screaming at me, throwing water bottles at my head, and making me run suicides all the time.

I'm going to give it a whirl this week. I will be skating in the mornings before work and will get in cardio on m/w/f and weights on t/th during lunch or after work. If I'm going to see rapid improvement in my skating,strength and endurance, this is what I need to do.

It's been 3 months since I've exercised regularly. And don't worry, I won't over-do it at my workouts. My trainer Britt has put together a good plan for getting back on track with my workouts over the next month.

I'm hopeful. Reserved, yet hopeful.

Oh, and if anyone wants to meet me for a 6:30 AM skate in my parking lot, I'll give you some coffee after. Send me a message and I'll give you the top secret location.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

10 hours of derby!

I spent all day yesterday in Seattle at the Bumbershoot Derby invitational.

Here's the #1 most important thing that I saw: Big girls kicking ass at derby. Small girls trying to block them and bouncing off like they had hit an upright trampoline. My faves were Derringer from Texas and Diva State from Seattle.

Derringer was a sick skater. I saw her on the street after the bout, and I'm guessing she's about 5'10", and 99% muscle. Bad ass.

Diva State has amazing form and is the captain of the Seattle travel team. I loved watching her use her size to her advantage.

It means so much to me to see bigger athletic girls out there being an asset to the teams. So inspiring and motivating. I will be an amazing skater some day. I know it and I'm ready to work.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Raddest derby photo

This was taken by Lenny Gotter of NW Action Events. That Megahurtz of the Breakneck Betties, celebrating a win. Look at that air. I mean, really LOOK at it. I saw her jump and land it like it was nothing. I had NO idea that she caught so much air. Amazing.