Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Derby girls don't cry

It took every ounce of strength I had to keep it together at practice tonight.

My back was feeling a little funky throughout the day today, but I was hoping it was just an ache. I skated a little before practice started and it felt a little tweaked. Well, I got into the first drill and my whole left back side, from my hip to my lower back, seized up. I've never felt back pain like this before. It was comparable to my tailbone injury pain.

I only made it through about 20 minutes of practice and watched the rest of the time.

I was almost in tears. I was so frustrated and in pretty bad pain. Plus, I HATE being a fat girl who can't do things. I hated sitting out tonight. I've always been able to succeed at what I put my mind to regardless of my size. My body better get with the program pretty damn soon. Because in my mind, I'm a really good skater.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there! I am so proud of how far you've come!

I know you don't want to focus on weight loss in your blog, but as a former fat girl myself, I know what you mean when you say your body had better get with the program. It took a long time to get my weight off and I was really frustrated a lot of the time too, because I felt my body should be able to do things that it couldn't, and people don't always understand that you are giving it your all.

Stick with everything you are doing, you're strong mentally and physically. A setback, like an injury, can stall your progress, but it WON'T STOP YOU from attaining your goals! You will make it :)

This is obviously something that you want very badly, or you wouldn't be out there trying like you are, and you wouldn't feel bad that you couldn't do certain things.

Hang in there, and keep doing what you're doing! I'm proud of you (like so many others!) and I love keeping up with your progress!

7:13 AM  

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