Thursday, March 22, 2007

6 weeks

I'm 6 weeks post-op today. My knee feels *almost* normal. There's still a little tightness and aching, but when I walk it feels about 80%. Strength wise, maybe 50%.

It was a good day at PT. We did a bunch of drills outside. Knee lifts, grape vines, walking squats, walking on my toes, shuffle jogging forward, walking backward on my heels, all kinds of stuff. It was fun to get outside a bit. I probably looked a little nuts, but it was fun. I did a ton of work on the leg press, balance stuff, more squats and lunges. It was pretty rad.

I talked to my PT and her manager (Corrie and Kory) about derby for a bit. They're going to be doing some workshops with the league through the OFC. I'm really excited and it will hopefully lead to some inury prevention.

Oh, and I'm going to get together with Britt again to get a routine together that includes my PT work plus some pilates. I need to start strengthening my core sooner than later. I'm really excited to start working with Britt. She's so good at setting up do-able routines for me. And she also emails me every week to see how I'm doing, and I just can't break her heart.

Apparently this is the time of recovery when people start feeling good, think their knee is all better, and start doing stupid stuff. I might be crazy, but I'm also a big old rule following chicken. My 10K knee is going to stay safe and protected.


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