Saturday, November 25, 2006

Visiting hours for the shut-in

When I get injured, I obsess about getting better. The doc said rest and stay off my knee, so I'm not going to go anywhere but the bathroom and the kitchen until I can see a specialist. I would say I border on annoyingly cautious. That being said, I have not had fresh air since Tuesday. I've been spending day and night on the couch.

Luckily today I had a couple of visitors. Slaymate and Vivienne Hell came over to keep me company. They both did rad craft projects and I was happy to two sided conversation, since I've been talking to the dog a lot.

On the knee front, it's feeling better every day. I have less generalized pain today. I'm off the vicodin and have been sleeping better. It still hurts a little when I'm hobbling around on my crutches, but I can put a little more pressure on it. Good times.


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