Monday, April 03, 2006

Rollergirls Marathon

After I left the house for an hour to go to the gym yesterday, I was down for the count. I honestly don't know how I got myself there, but I coughed and sniffled through an interval workout.

I spent 3 wonderful hours in the afternoon watching the final 3 episodes of the A&E show Rollergirls. I must say, I do get semi-sucked into the storylines, but I spend most of my time fast-forwarding and rewinding the bouts on the Tivo. Granted, it's on a banked track, but I love watching the strategy and the basics - the falling over, getting up and kicking ass. The athleticism involved continues to amaze me. Sister Mary Jane over yonder is such a great athlete. She is so driven and focused.

In my roller dreams, I am a combo of Sister Mary Jane and GoodyTwoSkates. Dreamy...


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