Monday, March 27, 2006

Are my arms supposed to be that color?

You know, all I want to do is fall over and not hurt myself. I want to skid on my knees, fall on my butt, and knock my elbows. Why, oh why, does all the pain have to come when I'm putting my pads on? I know I am not a small girl. Why do my pads have to be tourniquets? My elbow pads are so tight that my arms, from elbow down, turned bright red. The straps hurt more than falling on the pavement did. My movement is limited in my knee pads. It's more annoying than anything else.

I'm in shape enough to start trying this stuff, and I'm limited by equipment. Guess I'll just have to lose some more weight by try-outs. I'll do it, I just wish it fit and I could practice more now.

Oh a happy note, the parking lot across the street is really smooth when I skate further into it. And I'm feeling really good just skating around.


Blogger Sometimes Velma said...

here's a crafty tip for elbow pads...maybe this'll work out better for ya. Take a knee hi sock...cut the toe part off...add elastic to the top and bottom of the tube...slide it on your arm...stuff the tube with cotton padding. Voila! instant pain free arm pads! YEAH!

12:36 PM  

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