Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Out in the world

I had a different person for PT today. She's very different from my current pt, personality wise, but it was still very challenging. I did 10 minutes on the bike followed by a bunch of leg press work. Then step work and balancing stuff. Good jesus, I'm tired and sore.

Oh, and then I went to get my stitches out. Aside from the post-op nausea, this was the worst part of this whole ordeal. My doctor's assistant, who is the nicest girl in the world, took my stitches out. It was a long under the skin stitch that ran the length of my incision. It took a good 8-12 pulls to get that sucker out. We were both sweating, with a little "ow, ow, ow" from me, and mostly laughing. But it's out. I'm stitch free, but I still can't take a damn shower. The very bottom of the incision is still oozing (gross) and I can't shower until that stops. I think I keep busting it open when I'm doing my exercises.

I went back to work this afternoon too. I was so damn exhausted. It was nice to be at my desk and to see my coworkers. I really did miss them and it was so nice to be social again. I think I walked more today than I have since surgery. My office seems a lot bigger now that I'm not moving around so hot. And I hate to ask people to get me coffee and food and to carry stuff. OK, fine, I kind of like it.


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