Friday, May 05, 2006

Obstacles and a-holes

This is what I heard about myself today from a long distance acquaintance:

Nobody can believe that a girl as big as you are does roller derby! I told them how big you were, and they said that wouldn't believe it until they saw it. I told them you weren't like a circus freak or anything, but they can't believe that someone that big roller skates.

Um, OK, asshole.

I'm still trying to process this. I got a lot of support from friends (both in person and virtual), but it really hit me hard. Do they really think a "girl as big as I am" sits around in bed eating take-out and riding around town on a little goddamn scooter with my oxygen tank?

I don't even know what to say about this, but I know what to do about it. Prove those asshole doubters wrong. I am officially skating for every fat girl who has been afraid to try something because of her weight or has felt like a circus freak.

In the immortal words of my Grandma Peg, "They don't like it? Fuck 'em".


Blogger Viva Von said...

Skate on, sista' friend!!! Skate on!!!

*waiving flag of the kick-arse fat girl*

Waaa hooo!!!

You know what I always say? "They don't pay my rent, so why should I care what they say?"

Pft. It's true. *wiggling head to and fro*

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are SOOOO going to prove them wrong.

Can I still inflict some form of phsycial violence on the dude, though?

Pretty pleasae?

10:33 AM  

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