Wednesday, March 01, 2006

No butts about it

I'm back in the game. I went to the chiro this morning and after a little poking and prodding, I was given a go to exercise again. I'll be back to the weights training next week. I was also the happy recipient of a 20 minute single cheek butt massage. There's a lot of stuff going on down there. Bone, joint and muscle wise, that is.

Thanks to all of the people around the country who are reading the blog. My girls from Weight Watches are keeping tabs on me, along with my lovely p-town ladies and gents. Oh, I lost 4 pounds last week. Pretty cool stuff. I think it all came out of my boobs. Whatever, I'm becoming more aerodynamic.

My afore-mentioned work friend Julia told my boss about my blog. I was mildly annoyed for a moment that I might have to censor myself, but then quickly realized that I rarely censor myself at work. He's a cool dude and seemed happy, if not amused, about my derby fantasies. And if I didn't want people to read this stuff, the internet is probably not the best medium anyway. At least I won't have to explain the giant bruises and missing teeth to him when the time comes.

Speaking of missing teeth, I have a 7am dentist appointment tomorrow that will be about two hours long. Seriously, they warned me. I think it might be time to meet my new friend nitrous. I may just be capable of drooling in my keyboard tomorrow, so I'd like to apologize in advance for non-sensical posts.


Blogger Sometimes Velma said...

LMFAO...becoming more aerodynamic.

1:51 PM  

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